I've been working solidly for the past few months, mainly on dog portraits. Whilst they are great fun to do and I never get bored with them, it doesn't do to paint the same thing over and over again without a change as there is a very real chance of your work getting stale and formulaic. So when I get a couple of days 'spare', I like to paint something else, just to keep my hand in.
This magnificent fellow lives over the road from me, and his favourite perch is up on a garden wall where he can survey his domain! I've been wanting to paint him for months (and his ginger friend) but never remembered to get a photo or two - luckily the other day my partner had his phone to hand and I was able to get a few reference pics.
This is a watercolour, kept quite simple - had to be as I only had a day or so in which to do it. The bricks were fun - lots of wet in wet colours sprinkled with salt to get the rough textured look. Now I have got that out of my system, it's on to the next commission....which is actually a cat. Oh well!
On the needles: Nativity bits!