Friday 4 October 2024


Here is the first painting I have done in quite a while - it took me days to decide what to paint in order to get back into the swing of things, and I am happy with my final choice.  This will be for sale in my Etsy shop soon.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Normal Service Will Be Resumed Shortly...

 It has been well over a month since I posted here - sorry about that, but I have been a tad busy!  I had to finish the final designs for the new Nudinits book (coming out next year!) which involved some intensive knitting followed by intensive typing.  I'm afraid I cannot show any of this.

We also had a short break and spent a few days down by the sea - the weather was not particularly great, but we still had fun searching for fossils, eating too much and generally pottering about.  It was good to get away after the pressure of the knitting work!

I've had a horrendous artist's block as far as painting is concerned - commissions have been almost non-existent this year for some reason, and I just haven't felt much like doing any of my own stuff.  I forced myself to find something to paint last week and am currently working on a small sparrow painting and feeling a bit more enthusiastic.

I'm finally getting around to painting the rest of the bathroom - I had a burst of enthusiasm when Mr.B made the wooden panelling for the side of the bath, but I didn't like the paint I had used for the wall next to the bath, it was the wrong shade of blue.  So I bought some different paint which looked to be the right colour on the side of the tin - turned out to be far too dark and (eugh!) shiny.  So this week I bit the bullet and paid a small fortune to have the colour I like mixed specially - so now I have no excuse not to get on with it!

So hopefully things will be getting back to normal and I will be posting some pictures of interest soon.

Tuesday 27 August 2024


This weekend I finally got to put brush to paper for a little postcard painting which will go to the Nature in Art charity auction next month.  Of course it had to be a bear!  This is from a snap I took on the bear cams this year - I'm afraid I don't know which bear it is.

It's been a bit of a frustrating summer as far as painting pictures is concerned - there have been other things around the house that needed my attention.  I've painted part of the pergola after Mr.B replaced the uprights - a whole morning and I only managed to paint 2 uprights and 3 horizontals, as well as doing my ankle in from going up and down the stepladder so many times.  This is going to be a long project!  I've painted one wall in the bathroom - the colour I did it in a few months back has been bothering me big time, it just wasn't the right shade of blue.  Now I need to get the other 3 walls done - but they will also have to wait as I am in the middle of finishing off the patterns for thenext Nudinits book.

The garden has also been taking up a lot of my time - everything is growing fast with the warm weather and the rains.  The courgette plant is still getting bigger and bigger and producing endless courgettes - we've eaten them every way imaginable (I don't think I'll be making courgette cake any time soon though) and I have made several pounds of a delicious chutney.

Hopefully once the book patterns are complete I will have a little more spare time and will be able to get back to painting again - pictures and pergolas!

Wednesday 7 August 2024


 A few weeks ago I bought a black canvas - I thought it would be an interesting experiment to paint on rather than having to put on several layers of black paint in order to create the surface.  The subject was of course Otis - I have painted him on a black background on many trinket boxes, but this would be the first time on an actual canvas.

I had the same smallproblems with the canvas as I do on the trinket boxes - it takes several layers of lighter paint in order to get the colour to 'pop'.  However, shadows and darker colours were a lot easier.  All in all, I am pleased with the result and will invest in some more of these canvases.

The real Otis has not appeared on the bear cams this year.  It is getting late in the season and my thoughts are turning to the possibility that last year was the last time we would have seen him. His final appearance on the cams last year was in a high speed chase after a couple of other bears - in all the years I have been watching the cams I have never seen him run so fast and for so long, so he was fit at the time!  There are other factors that should be taken into account - last year there were not so many salmon, so perhaps he has found a better fishing spot; there are a lot of testosterone filled big bears at the falls this year, a concern for an old bear; and the human visitors seem to be getting more and more each year.  I guess we have to keep our fingers crossed and hope that dear Otis makes an appearance in 20224.

I have someone interested in this painting, but if they choose not to purchase it, it will be in my Etsy shop soon.

Saturday 20 July 2024

That's a Whopper!

 I usually have minimum success with my courgette plants - very small garden and I tend to plant them in pots.  This year I took Monty Don's advice and planted a couple of them right next to the compost bin...this is what happened!  It has grown bigger even in the few days since I took this photo and we will be eating courgettes every day for weeks at this rate...

Thursday 18 July 2024


This has been a very poor year for commissions - I think I have only had three since Christmas, which is a first.  I don't know if it is the current cost of living crisis and people not spending money on fripperies, or whether I have become boring (!), but it sucks.

I have also not felt much like painting either, which has been a worry.  However, I got my mojo back a couple of weeks ago and painted Chunk the bear from Katmai National Park in Alaska.  It felt good to be painting something with enthusiasm again and I am very happy with how it turned out - the photo has bleached the colours a bit as always.  This is for sale in my Etsy shop.

Nothing on the easel at the moment - have spent the week assisting (or getting in the way) of Mr.B as he replaced the wooden uprights of our pergola before it falls on our heads.  Hopefully getting back to the paints in the next couple of days.

Knitting wise, I am currently working on the last few patterns for a new Nudinits book - complicated stuff this time this space!

Sunday 30 June 2024


Apologies for yet more silence - I've not had much to write about really.  However, there has been a little painting - the above is a quick study while teaching one of my old students last week.


This is Trouble, my one and only commission in June.  Watercolour on paper.

We also went on a week's holiday - back to Middleton on Sea in the house that looks like a boat!  A very quiet week, just pottering on the beach, visiting Bognor, and eating plenty of fish and chips.


I found one of the best fossils, an almost perfect sea urchin that was also sparkly with crystal like facets.

 Last week we went fruit picking and yesterday I made a little jam....I think that might keep us going for a while!  We had run out completely as out local pick your own farm closed down last year.  We have found a new place, further away but just as good.

And on the needles - still working on patterns for a new Nudinits book.