Tuesday 25 May 2021

Lost Souls...

I enjoyed crocheting the first Lost Souls shawl (free pattern by Maryetta Roy) that I decided to make another on and had the perfect yarn in my stash.  This has been crocheted using a cotton yarn that starts off dark greay and gradually lightens as you go along - creates a great effect in this shawl!

This is now for sale in my Etsy shop.

 In other news, the air plant in the bathroom has flowered!  I usually manage to kill off my airplants but this one has not only survived but put out this interesting bloom.  I have been told that once they flower they die...but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

Sunday 16 May 2021

Love's Young Dream...

 I've really not had the time nor the inclination to paint lately - not sure what the problem is, too much lockdown perhaps.  However, I have managed to paint this, even though it took far longer than usual.  This is a watercolour of bear 151 Walker and bear 708 Amelia in a post coital snuggle.  This happened on the Explore.org web cam a couple of years ago.  I was under the impression (as were a lot of people I guess!) that once bears did the deed, they ambled off on their separate ways.  Not so in this case - Walker and Amelia spent quite a long time cuddled up on the grass in the sun, giving us webcam viewers ample time to snap away and take photos.  When I did get around to working on this, I really enjoyed it! It will possibly be for sale in my Etsy shop soon - I have someone already interested in it.

For a complete change, my next commission is an Alderney scene - can't wait, it's going to be difficult but I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Lost Souls...

 I can't believe it's been nearly a month since my last post - things have been happening, but mainly I have been taking a bit of a rest after a busy winter.  I feel very weary after the current lockdown for some reason.

But I have been crocheting in the evenings and finally completed this lovely Lost Souls shawl.  It's made in a silk/merino/mohair mix that I had squirrelled away in my stash.  I could not find any more to buy when it looked like I would not have enough - must be discontinued.  Thankfully once the shawl was washed and blocked, it grew a fair bit!

I used a free pattern by Maryetta Roy - check it out if you can, it is very clever and simple to do once you get the hang of the repeats.  I like it so much I have started another one in some different yarn that I know I have enough of!  This one is already taken, but the next one will be up for grabs if and when I finish it.

On the easel - a small bear painting that seems to be taking an eternity!  I have not had the time to paint as much as I would like - with life slowly returning back to normal, suddenly there seem to be more and more things requiring my attention.  Frustrating to say the least.

And finally, my daughter is now fully vaccinated and Mr.B and I get our second dose next week so we can all breath a sigh of relief...