Saturday, 25 March 2017

Bear Today, Gone Tomorrow?

I've been quite affected by the fact that the US Senate just passed legislation allowing the killing of bears & wolves in Alaska - in their dens with their cubs by gassing, from the air with guns, baiting bears & shooting them, using snares and traps - all because they feel these predators severely deplete the supply of moose and deer for people to shoot.  Seems a twisted logic to me, but nothing the current American government does surprises me any more.  So I was moved to paint this picture - looks innocuous enough from a distance, but has quite a bit of symbolism if you look closer and think about it.  Well, that was my intention at least - whether or not I've pulled it off is up for debate, but it's how I felt and interpreted it.
Acrylics on board.


Sue Doran said...

It's ghastly news. Your picture is poignant, beautiful and very moving.

Caroline B said...

Thank you.