Thursday, 27 April 2017

This Can't Be Work, It's Too Much Fun...

 I have two commissions at the moment, and this is a snippet from the first one.  I've painted a lot of bears over the past couple of months and they are still holding my interest.  The next commission is of a dog though, which will make a change in both subject and medium and probably do me a lot of good before (perish the thought!) bears get stale.  All being well, this one should be finished by the end of the day and ready to wing it's way to Canada.
Amongst other things, I've knitted a small fuzzy dog - seems an awfully long time since I made one of these.  My poor Etsy shop is very depleted in the little animal section, which is a shame as they are good sellers! Time to redress the situation...

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Garden Stuff...

 We have a wren's nest in the ivy on the pergola.  We didn't know what it was when we discovered it and nearly pulled it apart while investigating - very glad we didn't.  The wren has been seen entering it, so hopefully it is being used and we haven't scared it off - I heard it singing loudly out there this morning.  The nest is about 6ft away from our back door so perhaps we will be able to see what happens if there are chicks.
 I've been planting flowers...
 ...the currants are already dashing ahead...
 ... the apple tree is covered in blossom, having recovered from it's severe pruning in the winter.
Of course, now that there are flowers, seedlings and bedding plants out there, the weather has taken a turn for the worst - the garden is now swathed in expanses of fleece until the cold snap is over.

Monday, 17 April 2017


I finished this yesterday afternoon, then sold it before the paint was even dry!  This is a watercolour of an Alaskan brown bear cub, peering around his mum in the hope of getting a little bit of that salmon.  It was great fun to paint and I am happy that the experiment of taking screenshots from a film in order to use them as painting reference worked - I'll be trying that again in the future.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Everything In The Garden's Lovely...

As the weather has been so wonderful over the past week, I have spent most of my time getting the garden back in order.  There was a fair bit of winter debris still to get rid of, seeds to sow, grass to cut, and compost to be spread.  Things are sprouting nicely and it all looks promising so far.  A few casualties - I sowed cucumber seeds too early (over enthusiastic) and they got leggy then keeled over.  So I have started again with them, but everything else seems to be doing OK, even the vegetable seedlings in my new tall planters - well guarded by slug tape!

So I haven't had the time or the inclination to pick up a paintbrush until this week.  It's another bear - I know, I'm sorry but this obession has yet to run it's course!  This is in watercolour, going well so far.

Currently on the needles: an oven...who knew it would need so much knitting?  Slowly losing the will to live...

Wednesday, 5 April 2017



 As the reaction to this painting was quite overwhelming, I have decided to offer it as prints on Society6 with half of any profits to be donated to the American Humane Society.  I chose this charity as they are prepared to fight in court against  the cruel law just signed by Trump that allows the gassing of bears & their cubs in their dens in Alaska, as well as baiting, snaring, and traps, with the same ruling applying to wolves and their cubs.  Prints can be bought here:

I have also put this painting up as prints & phone case covers, profits of which just go to me - girl's gotta eat!