Faced with almost certain death, Billy-Bob wondered if the short-cut through the plate of salami had been such a good idea........

The above is the product of Fhi's imagination (check out her design on her blog) and my knitting needles. Yes I know, I should employ my time more usefully, but yesterday was such a rubbish day with apocalyptic weather, no tickets left for Pirates of the Caribbean, possibly the worst service at a restaurant I have ever had (Bradley at The Spur in Basingstoke, you have been named and shamed, mate - I'd look for another career if I were you...) that I felt the mood needed lightening up a tad. So I spent the afternoon clicking away and Billy-Bob is the result....I think he probably needs a safer home than mine!
Hi Caroline,
He is really cool!, very smiley in the face of danger!!
Ha Ha! I love it!!
Well done Caroline for turing him around in such quick time. Must be a delight to see something so quickly done although the dog doesn't seem to look too impressed! :0(((
So nice of you to take on my design. I'm flattered!! :))))))))))
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