Thursday 16 August 2007

Puppy Love....

Just finished this little chap - I started off loving it, then got really, really bored! To explain, I enjoyed painting the puppy but I don't think I will ever choose to paint a boot again! This is done in a mixture of watercolour and Derwent Drawing pencils, with acrylic highlights. In reality, the colours are richer and redder but I had a lot of trouble photographing it and scanning it also made the colour fade, so this is the best I could do. Hope you like it!


julie said...

beautiful work - the boot was definitely worth it! Love your amazing attention to detail.

Laura Sparling said...

That's brilliant, Caroline. Really detailed. I remember having to paint a shoe in art at school - not one of the most enthralling subjects, are they?! But you've done fabulously - the textures you've got going on are great.

Laura x

natural attrill said...

Hi Caroline,
Toby and I have just tagged you - 8 random things, see our blog.