....can you guess what it is yet? Quite a lot of this..........
...a shawl knitted in the thinnest of thinnest yarns, about one step up from sewing cotton, with seed beads scattered as I go.
I'm thoroughly ashamed of this - it looks pretty from this angle doesn't it? At the back there is a huge lumpen seam and about an inch of excess knitting...back to the drawing board as far as Easter presents are concerned!
Fuzzy photos too - I HATE my new camera and it's capricious ways, and the old one has finally gone to visit the great Fuji superstore in the sky......
I know what the picture is going to be... LOL But mainly because you told me. Not that it's that hard to tell... Hope it's a 'Goodbye Winter' painting. :-)
Your shawl looks fab. Can't wait to see it finished.
Shame about the Easter egg - the pattern is so cute and it would look fab. Can't you stuff it instead?
Sybille xo
Love your saluki, such beautiful dog!
The shawl looks awesome. Could you crochet the egg instead of knitting? The egg is really cute from this angle.
Good luck with the Easter presents.
Ah Clovis look at you looking so innocent............
I would never have known about the back of the egg it you hadn't mentioned it.
You'll have to have a practise with your new camera, I think it must feel like missing a trusted friend or in my case an arm extention x x x
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