Sunday, 17 July 2011

Buzz If You Like But Don't Sting Me.....

Well, the honey bees were deemed to be unsuitable for animation purposes - too large (!) and not very cuddly, so I had to try again with bumble bees this time.  Who knew bees could cause such a headache!  I tried and tried to get them smaller, but stripes and small don't go together, even when embroidered on to plain black knitting.  We eventually reached a compromise with these bees which are just under an inch long yet still have all the required detail.
Having spent three evenings on bees, I feel drained!  Time to give my eyes and hands a break and make something slightly larger...


Magpie Magic said...

Bummer! Sounds like one of those impossible jobs to me. The bees look fab. Hugs. xo

Sue Doran said...

And not even a pot of honey to show for it all! These bumble bees look very friendly and happy little things, I like the way you photographed them against painted flowers!

Houseelf said...

So cute though! I hope you are talking to them nicely.