Thursday, 24 January 2013

A Walk Transformed....

This is a painting of a very muddy lane we walk the dog down that has been transformed into fairyland by the recent snow.

For the past few weeks (since before Christmas) I have had a bit of a problem with painting.  Initially I didn't have the time due to the madness in the run-up to Christmas, then when I did have the time I was completely stumped as to what I wanted to paint.  The seagull painting didn't turn out well at all, I was very unhappy with the execution of it and this left me quite disheartened.  However, with the advent of snow and some spare time due to the vile weather outside, I decided to have a splash around with some acrylics.  It wasn't a commission, it didn't matter if I messed it up and I had no clear goal. Within half an hour I felt back in the zone again - phew!  This painting has whizzed by and probably only taken three or four hours to complete in total.  I'm so relieved that my enthusiasm has been woken again - these fugues happen from time to time and it is horrible.  Sometimes creativity is a very fragile thing and it's loss hits you hard.  I am happiest when I am engrossed in a painting that is going well - there is no other feeling like it.  When that is gone, for whatever reason, it affects all aspects of my life and I can end up getting quite depressed.  Thank goodness I've recovered my 'mojo'!

1 comment:

Soggibottom said...

Thank goodness you have. Just think of all that beautiful art yet still to come :-) x x x