Well, that's another Christmas over and done with successfully. We had a really good day, with everyone liking all their presents (now that doesn't always happen!) and the duck I cooked turning out delicious - first time of attempting that. I was given some lovely stuff, including the above Japanese craft books and fabric from my son and his girlfriend. I now have enough Amigurumi and Nuigurumi projects to last the rest of my life!

My lovely SO gave me the necklace I have been drooling over in a shop window for months - it is very delicate and the photo doesn't really show it to it's best, but you get the idea. I have been wondering ever since I first saw it how I could replicate it - now I don't have to!

The first thing I attempted from my new books had to be the most complicated of course - a crocheted crocodile. He is quite large, about 18 inches long from nose to tail and deciphering the instructions took a while too, with a couple of false starts that had to be unravelled.

I changed the way the eyes were done to try and make them a bit less cartoony, and crocheted raised nostrils rather than embroidering them on.

I liked the way the legs turned out with the correct joint placement and little crochet toes. It was a fun project and one I'll definitely make again, perhaps in green next time.
Other than that, I have been .....taking it easy! A couple of potato pictures have been painted but there have actually been two days where no paintbrush was touched and it felt very strange, a kind of guilty pleasure! I have to get back to work this week though as there are a couple of horses need painting before the weekend but they are fun to do.