Monday 10 March 2014

Sheep, Sunshine & The Undead...

I think the grass meadow is finally done on this - it took long enough!  Now I need to find my tin of vintage letter stencils - I've just had half the living room out and it wasn't where I thought it was.  So now I really don't know where I put it - no good ever comes of being tidy!  I'm far better organised when I am disorganised...
Unbelievably, the sun has been shining for three days straight and it is as if Spring has sprung overnight.  I've been putting in a bit of work in our new pond/shed area over the weekend.  There are now plants in the pond, more plants in the gravel and in pots, plus I can finally put out my little table and chair set.  Once the leaves are green and everything has grown, I think it will be a pretty little hideyhole in the summer.
In between knitting beer barrels (finally done!), I have been knitting a lady zombie.  She's not quite finished yet, but I am loving how she looks already.  I think it's the hat.....

1 comment:

Magpie Magic said...

LOL I love the lady zombie. Too cute. Very Walking Dead. ;-) xoxo