Monday, 9 June 2008

Normal Service Will Be Resumed Shortly......

I didn't realise it had been so long since my last post - it's been a bit of a manic week. I am in the middle of a rush-job quadruple portrait (four faces!) which needs to be done by the end of the week so haven't had much spare time for anything else. You'll just have to content yourselves with a couple of photos of what's flowering in my garden at the moment.
It's all looking very pretty out there - the flowers are starting to bloom and my tropical plants are thriving. The banana I over-wintered outside is shooting out leaves, and the kiwi vine is taking over the pergola. My cherished three Echiums that I grew from seed are actually growing fast in a flower bed - if any of you are gardeners, you'll know what a feat that is! I so hope they will reach their full potential - 12 foot spikes of deep blue flowers usually only seen in the Canary Islands. And my little pots and boxes of vegetables are doing very nicely too - we may actually eat home-grown lettuce, broccoli and beetroot this year.

1 comment:

natural attrill said...

Pots and boxes of veg sound good. We have spoken about doing that, we dont have a garden as such, but plenty of room outside for pots.
Toby has onions and herbs.
Do you grow your veg from seed? Must be lovely to be able to eat home grown things.