This painting has a sentimental value to me - it was my first highly detailed acrylic and one of those paintings where when you finish it you can't quite believe that it was you that painted it! It's 14 years on and I can see quite a few faults that I would correct if I were to paint this now, but I hold this little picture very dear and it is on my wall at home and not for sale.
I love to paint exotic birds and these were such a pleasure - I enjoyed the shapes and colours and even picking out just enough foliage to balance the whole thing. This was painted in watercolour.
This one took a very long time - it is in watercolour and I got totally absorbed in the play of colour and texture.
Perhaps now that I am on the downhill slope with the potatoes, it won't be very long until I can return to this sort of painting. I miss it desperately!
Oh. My. Stars.
Caroline! These are wonderful! The rhino is just . . . jawdroppingly amazing. These should be in a gallery somewhere!
Your work always astounds me, you clever, clever lady.
WOW, lovely paintings. My favourite is the birds, but the other two are amazing too. I love the poses you've chosen as they all look like a snapshot in time.
I love the way you've painted the water in the Bear painting.
Your paintings are so detailed which is what makes them so amazing.
WOW, Caroline. I should think with work of this quality you should be able to give up the day! Wow.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
dump the spuds and go back to your real art. Well maybe not dump the spuds...bear is lovely.
You have so much talent. Lovely paintings!
Gosh Caroline, this pic is just amazing! Sarah x
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