Wednesday 14 August 2019

Still A Grey Area...

It turns out that while I am able to paint during daylight hours after my eye op, sewing under electric light is still a problem.  It took me three evenings to make this tiny panda, mainly because sewing black felt was nigh on impossible to see! I've got my 'new' eye with no glasses prescription for close work yet and my other eye still labouring with a cataract and dull vision.

Yesterday I looked at the half finished article under daylight and was horrified to see places I'd missed, resulting in holes with stuffing showing through and worst of all, thread wrapped around one arm in a tight loop where I had supposedly sewn the thread joints.  Oh dear...

1 comment:

Caz.P. said...

He is cute. I gave up long ago sewing or knitting anything black. Too much eye strain. Hope you improve soon.