I was going to entitle this post as 'Hot Chicks' but thought that might bring in entirely the wrong kind of visitor...
I've knitted four of these little chicks as Easter gifts, the first has already gone to it's recipient. It's a lovely quick pattern and I did like the addition of a knitted egg to put one in - that wasn't such a quick knit, so only one of those!

The egg has a different coloured lining - you kind of knit a bi-coloured egg and fold one half into the other, making two of these pieces. I then stitched them together at the seam to make a hinge and added a button to keep the egg closed. I followed the instructions to coat it with hairspray in order to stiffen it into shape - so it's fragrant as well....
April 1st today - the day of silly pranks and tricks and spoof news stories on television and in the papers. I wonder how many 'jokes' will be played on me at work today by the children - I don't care, as long as we still break up for the Easter break today! I'm looking forward to a fortnight of catching up with various chores, some intensive crafting, a couple of days out and some extra sleep.
I am also planning to have a clear out of my portfolio and will be putting some artwork up for sale in my Etsy shop - no point it hoarding the stuff where it never gets seen.