Despite Spring being just a whisper away, I have been working on a painting of the snow we had last April. I took the reference photo early in the morning after walking the dogs through a blizzard when six inches of snow fell in a couple of hours. I've had it in mind ever since, but have not had the time to paint it until now. This is painted in acrylics on Dalerboard. I'm not happy with the photograph - the colour and atmosphere aren't the same as the actual painting. I will try and take another picture in daylight tomorrow.
While working in the garden again this afternoon, I noticed that the Spring flowers have suddenly all come into bloom at once.
These daffodils were just buds two days ago, now they are all open.
I found this nest in a shrub at the bottom of the garden - it looks as if it was made recently, but is in an exposed part of the shrub and empty. Perhaps it is a WIP or perhaps it was a prototype and abandoned after building. I know we have a robin's nest in the ivy closer to the house as I have been watching the robins flitting in and out with dry grass and twigs over the past month and now I can hear the mad tweeting of the babies every time a parent arrives with food. Last year the same pair of robins had three batches of chicks over the Spring and Summer months. It's an exciting time of year in the garden!
The painting is fab, Caroline.
Don't you just love seeing all the flowers popping up all over the show? Very Springtimey.
Laura x
sure that painting could be adapted to a xmas card Caroline?!?!
The painting is great. Love the atmosphere and the way it seems to go on and on....
Great spring pictures too. Seems you are getting the hang of your camera now?
I think you did a fantastic job on the painting!!
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