Sunday 24 May 2009

Simply Gorgeous..........

We are very lucky in having this wonderful 'pond' a mere five minutes drive from our house, and yet we have only re-discovered it this year. It's become a bit of a ritual for me and my daughter to save up all the old bread throughout the week and take it here to feed the swans, geese, ducks and anything else in need of a Sunday morning snack. There are usually well over 20 swans to be fed as well as the other water birds.

Today we sat in the hot sunshine (yes, hot - we may even have got a little sunburnt) and fed the birds. I actually got my sketchbook out and made some passable line drawings of them, much to the swans' curiosity. We saw two grebes dancing their display to each other, and a huge heron flew across the pond in front of us. Does the British Spring get any better than today? Not much!

1 comment:

Magpie Magic said...

Sounds like a fun outing. Are you going to draw some swans for us to see?