One photo that I forgot to upload yesterday - looks a bit dull doesn't it? My partner was snapping away at just about everything while on holiday and took this picture of a plane landing at Logan airport. It wasn't until it was downloaded on the computer and viewed on the big screen that we realised just what the large plane on the landing strip in the foreground was.....Airforce One! We'd missed the Obama motorcade - we were in the aquarium and didn't know the president was in town anyway, so it was quite exciting for us to find out we'd at least seen his plane.
Here are the pieces of fabric and bead edgings I bought at a discount fabric shop. If I'd known this lot would only total $9, I would have grabbed more......don't ask me what I am going to do with the John Deere tractor fabric, I just knew I had to have it!
Faced with the vast selection of cookie cutters, I had to be sensible and only buy ones that I knew I'd use. So we will be having lobster cookies, Golden Retriever cookies, and will never be short of Halloween shapes...unfortunately I just haven't got round to making any Halloween cookies yet, too busy!
Who could resist this gorgeous cuddly octopus? I just had to have him!
Finally, I haven't just been sleeping or washing vast piles of dirty clothes since coming back from holiday - I did finish this pretty scarf. It's knitted in purple Sublime mohair with a soft fluffy eyelash yarn edging with a touch of silver tinsel. The scarf is in simple stocking stitch with a flared edge either side, and then gathered gently down then centre to create the ruffles. This will be for sale on Etsy shortly.