It has the same extra lengths of crocheted curly-wurly ends , this time making it long enough to be tied around your waist...even round my waist! A very versatile little number, and would look great with anything denim.
Just received a large parcel of deep blue alpaca yarn that I ordered to make a very intricate chunky lace jumper for myself. The challenge is, can I finish it in time to take on holiday with this space!
Todays potato is No.88, leaving 10 more to do. If I had the technical ability, I'd have a little 'countdown' counter.......
Someone at work asked me what I am painting the potatoes in....acrylics I replied.
She pondered for a while, then asked 'why acrylics? Do they preserve the potato or something?'
Rather than smack my head against a brick wall several times in disbelief, I pointed out that I'm illustrating a book - and quickly walked away...
Ha! Now I have a vision of you sat there carefully applying paint to potatoes! Only ten more - almost there!
The scarflette is fab. Gorgeous blue.
LOL I am still in stitches just thinking about your face when you heard that question... Are you painting faces on the potatoes? ROFL
Scarflette is really cute. Would look great over a pair of jeans wearing it low at the hips. Very versatile garment... now I just have to sort out my hips. LOL Thinking a saw might do the job. :-)
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