No, no naked bodies hidden in this painting! At last I'm able to put a bit of work in on this and now have the final composition more or less how I want it. The top section of the painting is still only blocked in and the rest of it still needs work on the water and the rocks, but at least I can finally see where I'm going with it. It has a bit of an other-worldly feel to it, but that was part of the appeal of the photographs I am using for reference - I liked the shapes and the colours more than the ornithological viewpoint!
With it being the summer holidays, I am taking the opportunity to clear up the house a bit. While pootling about yesterday I came across a couple of paintings I did several years back that I really like. I have always wanted to take part in a life drawing class but have never had the opportunity, so these were created using my faithful 'Anatomy for the Artist' book which has loads of beautiful and very useful photographs.
This was drawn using some Caran D'Arche water soluble pigment sticks - terrific for larger work and you can draw, shade, then move the pigment about with a wet paintbrush and the colour remains vibrant throughout. It's quite a large piece of work for me and not my usual style, but I had great fun with it and wish I could find him a good home - he is available for sale if you are interested - just get in touch!
This was a combination of methods, a bit of an experimental piece. I used real leaves as stencils, also painting the veins for imprinting. The man is drawn and painted, and there is liberal spattering of paint. This was painted in yellow and purple watercolour only. As with the above painting, he is available for sale if you are interested.
I'd like to do more work like this, but it didn't seem very commercial at the time - what do you think?
3 lovely paintings Caroline, I really like how you painted this last image of the nude with the leaves.
Lovely, all of them, but like Sarah S above, I really like the last one with the leaves.
The flamingoes are great. Can't wait to see the finished image! The studies are good too, can't decide which one I like better. The leaves are so beautiful but I love the blue in the other one. Fingers crossed you find them a good home. :-) xo
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