While browsing the fancy wool aisle at Hobbycraft last week, my partner said 'Wouldn't it be good if you were to knit one of your little dogs in this?' and handed me the softest, fluffiest eyelash yarn. I hmmed for a bit , then thought what the hell and put a few balls in the basket. One week later although I am very pleased with the result, I vow not to do that again!

The yarn was thick, too thick for the needles stated in the pattern, which made it very hard on the hands holding it all together; it was VERY hairy, so if a mistake was made I couldn't see how to fix it and if a stitch was dropped, I had to unravel it and start again; and it was very black, so I couldn't see if what I had knitted was ok or not.

However, I struggled on - I'm not one to give up on a project - amd this is the result. He is twice the size of previous knitted dogs and quite a chunky little chap. He still has the moveable legs, a cheeky expression and a special knitted red coat (twice the size too...grr!).

He is already very popular in our house - I've had to save him from the real dog's mouth a couple of times. For some reason our saluki thinks I knit for his benefit and I have to hide all works in progress or he decides to add his own touches - usually unravelling the most expensive and delicate ball of yarn I have at the time - and he loooved this one. Luckily he doesn't destroy toys, just carries them from one room to another in a purposeful manner....
And my daughter was seen to be cuddling him and chuntering on how nice he would be to cuddle in bed. If she had her way, everything I make would be in her bedroom and I'd never sell anything!
I've not decided on a price yet - still to decide whether I can face makinig double sized accessories!

The above is a scarf made in a tape yarn in the colours of the sea. I had originally thought the pattern of it would echo wave shapes, but the way the yarn has formed itself into a scales, I think it looks more like a snake! £10 + P&P
I have finished my commission of a portrait of a cat, but will not be posting it here until the lady who commissioned it has seen it - she should be the first I think! Watch this space!