I'm having trouble this week......maybe it's the weather, maybe it's just me, but I cannot seem to get myself motivated. I feel in desperate need of some warmth and sunshine in order to kick-start my creative 'mojo'!

This is one project on the go - a brown horse made from faux suede using the zebra pattern kindly sent to me by Cat at Raggy Rat. It's hard.....it's really complicated.......took me over an hour to cut out the pieces...oh dear! However, going to attempt to sew it together today, and let's hope it doesn't end up looking like it should be sent down the knacker's yard! (In olden days, aged or decrepit horses were sold for a pittance to the knackers who would then bump them off to be made into dog food & glue.......hence the phrase 'knackered'.)
If you are part of the Sacker clan, you may want to avert your eyes here, because it may spoil the surprise.....

I have been given a lovely commission to do of two Munsterlander dogs, beautiful creatures. But they are predominantly black.....I don't know if any other artists out there have trouble with black animals, but I do. I don't know why, it just makes me feel I am not up to the job for some reason and if it wasn't for a deadline, I'd be doing some serious procrastination right now! I'm OK once I get going, I'm OK when I walk past and think 'that looks all right actually', but trying to get the motivation to get up and start, that's another matter. All that black is so scary!!
And the third black dog? That would be my saluki who is not enjoying the wet weather and slinks around looking at me balefully as though I am personally responsible for the flooded fields, seas of mud and the indignity of having to wear a bright red coat for his twice daily walks. I tell him it's not much fun for me either, hiking in the driving rain, my welly has sprung a leak and I then have to clear up all the muddy splashes up the walls and the dirty paw-prints on my carpets...but he doesn't care, it's still my fault!
P.S. Finished the commissioned shawl for a lady in the USA - turned out rather well, even though I say so myself!

It's knitted in Rowan Kidsilk Haze, 'Pearl' and is to be worn at her wedding. It will be like wearing a piece of gossamer....