It started snowing again last night, but we were all home, safe and warm, so no reason to panic. I believe some people went a little crazy in the local supermarkets yesterday buying up tons of canned goods and generally preparing for winter in the Yukon rather than a few days snow in the UK....I bought a couple of extra loaves of bread, but figured if we get low on food I can just pull on my wellies and walk.
So we awoke to this scene of destruction in the garden - there's going to be some work needs doing when it all thaws out! Schools are closed, so no work for me today - a completely free day at home, it's like a belated Christmas present!
I dragged my daughter out for a walk with the dog as soon as it got light - the snow was up to the top of her wellies in some places, so we took it slow and didn't go too far.
Somebody had a wonderful time running full tilt up and down - good job he has long legs!
Thanks to all of you who passed on condolences over the loss of Jasper - I really appreciated your kind words. An update on the other dog - he's now sleeping at the top of the stairs at night rather than in the kitchen and has stopped howling so we have had three nights unbroken sleep after a week of misery. Today he even ate his breakfast - he's barely been eating since losing his best mate - so I think he is coming to terms with being an only dog now. I've also been taking him on some high-speed route marches to wear him out and also give him something else to occupy his mind which has helped - good for me too, working off some of the Christmas excess!
I have a few arts & craft projects on the go, but nothing completed for now. Yesterday I realised that despite knitting all the stuff for my Etsy shop, for myself, and commissions, my daughter does not possess a single woolly hat that fits her - oops! I am very ashamed of myself and gave her free rein to choose any yarn from my stash and any pattern, and I spent most of last night trying to finish a hat in an evening....nearly did it but not quite. She should have it before she ventures out into the snow again hopefully!
LOL, poor girl! What is it they say about the cobbler's children going unshod? :)
Unfortunately for villages like ours (which are ungritted) food is a problem - even if like us they have a small co-op. No-one can get a delivery in, and if you haven;t got a car you can't even attempt to get out. Thankfully I keep nuclear supplies, so we should be ok. Or else we can eat the cats, before they eat us.
oh it's looks enchanted!
Lovely snowy pictures. :-)
I always find it totally weird how the English react to snow. I don't think I ever had a snow day off when I was a kid.
Not much snow here in Cambridgeshire unfortunately. Ben's hoping for lots more snow tonight... and a day off school tomorrow.
Can't wait to see Stacie's new hat. :-) Poor kid going cold.... LOL
BEAUTIFUL PIC's but we are fine down here with our "bit" of snow... x x x
Norway there too then !
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