Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hello Sailor!

In exchange for the sofa and dog, I received a bumper envelope of vintage knitting patterns.  The two that really took my fancy were this one (love the sailor with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, you couldn't get away with that these days) which has these beauties inside :-

Anyone fancy a balaclava helmet and some knee warmers?  If you want me to knit you some, you only have to ask!

This one is pretty cool too:

 although I don't think my waist ever looked like that!  I'd love to make this but for someone else - the pattern only goes up to a 36 bust anyway.

I've put some more paintings for sale in my Etsy shop recently, including this one:

 It was painted in situ a few years back when I used to take an art class at a local church hall.  One bright summer afternoon I sat in the graveyard outside and had great fun painting this sun-dappled headstone.  The subject matter is a trifle bleak, but I feel it is actually a very peaceful picture.  I've always liked it and it seems a shame for it to languish hidden in a porfolio.


Sallie said...

I have some of my mother's knitting books from the 30's and 40's. They are mostly childrens patterns, but they are interesting. It's also interesting to see how little they cost back then. Some of the patterns literally cost pennies. How fun that you got these patterns in a swap.

Soggibottom said...

Fantastic knitting patterns, gold dust :-)
Love your painting Caroline, but then I am a fan anyway :-) x x x It looks as if it should be hung in a quiet place. I'm sure you have a fettish about grave yards :-)

Sue Doran said...

What a fantastic swap! Old knitting patterns are fascinating.

Beautiful painting, very atmostpheric and definitely deserves to be admired more.