Wednesday 16 March 2011

Woolly Warbler

About this time of year, when everything in the garden is starting to bud and bloom, along come some little vandals who peck holes in the daffodils, shred the primulas and pick at the pear tree.  Look, here's one of them now...

What's he got his eye on this time?
No, not the pansies as well - beaks off, mate!

This little knitted blue-tit is from a pattern in a brilliant book I bought recently called 75 birds, butterflies and beautiful beasties to knit & crochet .  I can thoroughly recommend this book if you want to knit a slug, caterpillars, get the picture!  The instructions are clear and easy to follow despite the intricacy of the patterns - I had ends of yarn all over the place and as this little chap is life-size, it was a fiddly project, but it was very clever how everything went together to create the final bird. It was all knitted in one piece apart from the beak, so someone really worked this out well.  Not too sure what to do with him now........maybe he can scare off those real life birds that plunder my plants!

N.B. My father's favourite joke was to go into a greengrocer's and ask the man behind the counter 'Can I have a coconut for my wife's tits?'  He used to fall about laughing....we died of embarrassment!


Soggibottom said...

I am not going to show this to my other half.... he would just keep reapeating it like a parrot !

Great tit Caroline !

Don't for goodness sake answer that ! PLEASE !

Very good likeness of a bird.. clever lady as always ! :-) xxx

Sallie said...

Very cute!

Magpie Magic said...

Very cute. I have no idea how you manage to do these. I'd lose all my hair if I tried! xoxo

WendyCarole said...

cute little blue tit. I was looking at an advert for this book just the other day