Saturday, 13 April 2013

All of a Twitter...

Well, I've finally done it - I have just joined Twitter.  I am really not into all these social networking sites - not through any moral highground, I just don't have the time!  I spend enough time faffing about on the internet as it is when I should be getting on with some work.  However, I think Twitter might be helpful when it comes to the work, so I'm there...I wanted to add a link on the sidebar but haven't figured it out yet.  But if you put my name in to Twitter, it might come up.  Who knows - it's all very confusing...
Less confusing is good old watercolour and paper.  I'm really pleased with how this painting is turning out - it may not appeal to anyone else, but for me it represents the atmosphere of a memorable day.  Now that all the hard work of mapping it out, finishing off the buildings and inking in the horses is over and done with, I can get on with the best bit, painting horses.

I'm fairly depressed today - it's the last day of the school holidays which means it's back to work tomorrow.  It's been lovely having the time to get things done at home in my own time.  We also have some building work starting as from tomorrow and I am dreading it.  Our porch is being demolished and rebuilt - not through choice, the whole housing estate is being done.  We have had the builders' base right next to our house for months now, with all the noise, disruption and lack of privacy that entails. It has not been good.

1 comment:

Magpie Magic said...

The picture is looking very interesting already. Can't wait to see it finished. Poor you with the builders, it's terrible... We're still suffering too. It seems a neverending story... Meet you on Twitter! ;-) xoxo