Sunday, 1 June 2014

Looks Like Someone Wrestling a Horse...

Sometimes a remark made by someone when you are in the middle of a painting can have a serious impact on the way you look at your work, and on occasion can be quite detrimental as it echoes round in your head as you paint.  However, I think the above sums up what this painting looks like while it is in it's blocking stage. 

This is a private commission in acrylics.  It has made a good start but I may have to cover it while it is not being worked on, just in case any further remarks affect my thinking!
Currently knitting some knobbly dogs....
...and a church door.
This is the reverse side of our new garden fence.  See all that earth that has fallen?  That's because there is a huge gap between the bottom of the fence and the ground - the erosion on our side is about 10 inches in some places, exposing shrub roots and making it impossible to plant anything else.  This was done at Easter and I am still awaiting it to be shored up despite numerous broken promises by builders and housing association.  Maybe today?

1 comment:

Magpie Magic said...

I can understand you're upset about your fence, that's horrible. I know what you mean about those detrimental remarks. :-( I wish people got that there's an ugly duckling stage in every piece of art. :-( Hugs. xoxo