Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Transformations & Toadstools

For the past few years, this has been my work station, although not usually quite so messy as this!  Under that heap are two boxes of fabric, two boxes of yarn, so deeply buried that I can't remember what is in the yarn boxes. There are three bags of yarn that I use most often, a wadge of felt that I am currently using, two boxes of habadashery, a couple of books, a few magazines, and several wips.  It's awful, I know!  The only plus side is that it's right next to where I sit on the sofa and everything is within arm's reach.  But it has reached unworkable proportions - and something needed to be done!
I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, and last month events seemed to fit together like clockwork - it started when I made the decision to quit my day job, followed by my son announcing that he was moving out.  Which meant there was a room going spare....  I have worked very hard over the past couple of weeks, painting the walls and door and assembling and placing new furniture.  The room is so small that I cannot get far enough back to take a decent photo, but this will be my desk and those shelves are waiting to be filled tidily with all my clutter craft materials and books.  There are shelves under the desk, one of which is just crying out for the sewing machine.  I'm aching, tired, but very pleased that it is well on it's way.  Now comes the long process of sorting through my stashes and being ruthless with anything that is never used. 

Did you notice that the new rug has buttons on it - buttons! 
I did take half of yesterday off though - a trip to the tip and a second coat of paint on the door were enough for me, and so I could spend a little time on the toadstool which has been sadly neglected over Christmas.  I think one more afternoon should see this completed.

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