Yesterday I spent over two hours pricing and setting up a display of jewellery for the coming craft fairs - and still only managed to do half of what is needed. My kitchen looks like a junk yard and I'm beginning to panic - the logistics of this week are starting to escape me. I have a craft fair Friday afternoon, but about fifteen minutes after that finishes I have to go and pick up my sister who arrives from Greece to visit the Big Bead Fair with me on Saturday. Saturday, I have to go to the Big Bead Fair but also have my son man my stall at another craft fair and hope that I can get back in time to at least be present for the last hour. In the meantime, I have work every day (the Day Job!) as well as trying to finish one painting and start another...oh yes, and I guess the family will want feeding and clothing as well! The thought that keeps me going is that Sunday I can relax a bit and go with my sister to do some retail therapy and have a nice lunch out.
Enough of that - I can't complain about commitments that I have taken on willingly!
However, last night I managed to have some fun with beads and wire and these are the result:

Having sold the first humming bird necklace very soon after making it, I realised I didn't have anything similar in my collection so made sure to rectify that. This is with little pink flowers and AB vintage beads on gold-plated wire. Hopefully it is very different from the last one, which if I remember had leaves as well. £16 + p&p

I had made a sea-glass necklace similar to this a while back and kept it for myself. Unfortunately, while plunging through the undergrowth dog-walking, it must have fallen off. I searched the house and my route but can only assume some other dog walker is sitting at home chuckling over their good fortune at finding my precious necklace (I really liked it!). So I will put this in the sale but if it doesn't go, it's mine! £15 +p&p

Finally, I made a little bracelet using dark brassy wire, little AB seed beads and blue plastic flowers. Bit of a retro piece - not too sure what it falls under! This is £5 + p&p
Off to price the rest of my stock - boring!