Original paintings, hand-made jewellery, knitted stuff and anything else I try to create. Contact: c_bletsis@yahoo.co.uk - All art works remain the copyright of the artist and cannot be reproduced without permission
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Marigold & Spring into Art Exhibition
felt flowers,
Fleet Art Society,
Monday, 28 April 2008
Buttercups & Daisies...
In the centre is a little buttercup brooch, with a flower, a bud and a leaf. Small and cute! £5 + P&P
I'm currently working on a bright orange marigold - would have finished it last night if not for passing out in front of the tv and waking at 11.30 with my needle still in my hand! I also have to frame 5 paintings this week ready for a local exhibition at the weekend - more on that later. I loathe framing, but it's a darn sight cheaper than sending them off to be done at a shop - five would be beyond my means at the moment! So I've taught myself how to cut a proper mount and how not to drop kick the lot across the room when I've taken an hour to frame and seal a painting only to discover a dog hair smack bang in the middle under the glass......
Friday, 25 April 2008
Finally Finished..
Thursday, 24 April 2008
More Flowers!
Firstly, there is another daisy-chain necklace - different to the other one as I don't have any more of the thin, smooth white felt I used before and can't find any similar. Goodness knows where it came from! So as a result, the daisies in the second necklace are slightly larger as the felt is fatter, which means there are two less of them. Just as much work involved though! Price, same as before £20 + P&P
Secondly, I have made a brooch and the flower this time is called Cosmos. I grew a big patch of these last year in the garden and they are simply beautiful with their tall stems, delicate lacy green leaves and myriads of cup shaped flowers in various shades of pink. I spent many hours painting and sketching them last summer. The brooch just has the one bloom, embroidered in pink and three leaves. £5 + P&P
I'm not too sure if there will be any more flowers for a couple of days - my SO is coming home tonight for the weekend so I doubt I'll be spending my time sewing!
I'm in the process of re-working the flamingo painting - I simply hated the background and was not happy to leave it that way so there has been some serious over-painting going on. Watch this space...
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
African Violet
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
So a while back when I made a little daisy as a decoration for a teddy, I was so taken with the idea I decided to see if I could expand it into jewellery. First there was a brooch, which was lovely but not enough - it had to be a full-blown necklace. So after two solid 4 hour evenings of sewing, the above is the result. I love it!! Hope you do too - if you'd like it for your very own, it is £20 + p&p Be assured there will be more of this type of thing - after I've given my poor eyes a rest! SOLD!
felt mascots,
Monday, 21 April 2008
Flamingoes again....
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Brindle & Dot
In the background of the photo you can see my TIDY desk! Make a note of it - it hasn't been like that since I don't know when and I'm sure it won't remain that way for very long. With Bob away plus time off from the day job, I have been cleaning (yeuch!) with a vengeance. I loathe and despise housework, but I do love having a clean and tidy home (bearing in mind my idea of tidy may be a whole lot different to yours.....) I'm sure once I go back to work the mess will creep up on me again, but for now I'm enjoying actually seeing the surfaces of tables and sideboards....what a novelty!
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Not so Fugly now....
Let me know what you all think.....
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Lil Dawg...
Not too sure what to do with him/her, whether to leave it as a mascot or make it into a brooch/fridge magnet/keyring.
Monday, 14 April 2008
..And the Winner is.....
Just chopped up lots of little pieces of pink paper with your names on, asked my daughter to pick one out of a bowl (sorry, no photos!) and the winner of my 200th post giveaway is ....
Mystery gift winging it's way to you........
Mystery gift winging it's way to you........
Pink Flamingo Umbrella & Last Chance for Giveaway
You only have until the end of the day to enter my 200th Post Giveaway - leave your name and I'll pick a winner of a mystery gift at the end of today.
I spent yesterday turning a pink umbrella into a flamingo! I saw the method in a magazine a while back but it needed a pure white umbrella and I had nowhere to get one from. Then by chance in our local cheap & cheerful store I found a perfect pink umbrella for a ridiculous £3.
So I spent Saturday painting the handle to look like this -

Then I made two feather stampers out of thin foam and cardboard and yesterday decorated the fabric to look like this -

The whole thing has turned out really well - I think it is such a cute idea. Trouble is, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining......but this is Britain, I'm sure we'll be back to wet weather soon enough.

If you'd like an umbrella like this, let me know - but quickly as there were only a couple of them left in the shop.
I'm nearing completeion of the latest painting - also flamingoes. I don't know, these obsessions tend to creep up on me - I'll be dressing in pink and standling on one leg in a puddle next....
I spent yesterday turning a pink umbrella into a flamingo! I saw the method in a magazine a while back but it needed a pure white umbrella and I had nowhere to get one from. Then by chance in our local cheap & cheerful store I found a perfect pink umbrella for a ridiculous £3.
So I spent Saturday painting the handle to look like this -
Then I made two feather stampers out of thin foam and cardboard and yesterday decorated the fabric to look like this -
The whole thing has turned out really well - I think it is such a cute idea. Trouble is, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining......but this is Britain, I'm sure we'll be back to wet weather soon enough.
If you'd like an umbrella like this, let me know - but quickly as there were only a couple of them left in the shop.
I'm nearing completeion of the latest painting - also flamingoes. I don't know, these obsessions tend to creep up on me - I'll be dressing in pink and standling on one leg in a puddle next....
Friday, 11 April 2008
Surprisingly difficult...
£15 + P&P!
Please don't forget the 200th post draw - three more days to put your name down for a mystery gift. Don't know why I've coincided it with the departure of my SO for foreign climes....whatever you win may be tear-stained... Haha! As he'll be back within a couple of days to pick up his tools and collect a client's car, I really don't think I'll be that sad!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Teardrop Necklace and Presents....
I spent today in Basingstoke taking my daughter on a long overdue visit to the cinema - Horton Hears a Who, which is fun - and some retail therapy. Who knew Primark was such a brilliant place - not me! Came out with a huge bag of goodies for under £30 in total - can't be bad! When we got home, I found a parcel on the doorstep which was some old jewellery from E-bay which will be washed and cannibalised. When I turned on the computer, I discovered I had won some fabulous beads from Laura - check out her work here. And I got my bank to re-imburse a £12 charge with no quibble - what a great day!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Glass & Gulls
Don't forget to enter the 200th post giveaway - you have until Monday.....
Monday, 7 April 2008
Despite the Confusion....
Don't forget the 200th post giveaway - still waiting for more than two people to enter!
felt mascots,
humming bird,
teddy bear
Sunday, 6 April 2008
200th Post!!
I can't believe this is the 200th time I have posted on here! From someone who was terrified to use the computer, let alone set up a blog or website, what a long way I've come. It has been a load of fun, I've 'met' some lovely people through this blog who share my interests and help me to realise I am not some lone oddball sitting at home painting/knitting/crocheting/beading - there are hundreds, nay thousands of us out there! Having this virtual community has given me the impetus to keep on crafting and to try harder to make and sell my bits and pieces - next stop an Etsy shop by the way, watch this space.
So by way of a thank you, as promised, there will be a '200th Post' giveaway. I have decided that Toby's idea was the best, to have a mystery prize. So all you have to do is leave your name and a comment and I'll put you in the draw - you know the routine by now! If you feel like guiding my hand by suggesting what sort of prize you would prefer, that's fine. I'll pull the name out after the 14th April.

Woke up this morning to a light frost....toddled downstairs, made a cup of tea and let the dogs out for their early-morning widdle in the garden, and absent-mindedly covered up my (struggling) banana plant on the patio just in case the weather men had got it right. Within ten minutes it had started to snow. After half an hour, it looked like this!! This is the lane behind my house that I walk the dogs on every day, which has been a sea of mud for the past 8 months. Look at it now! Felt like I had been transported to Narnia........

This was when the blizzards had stopped and the sun was struggling to come through - it was all so beautiful, clean and untouched.
And this is the state of one of my dogs after half an hour cavorting in the snow - just look at his feet! The other one had to be de-dagged entirely, he was carrying a whole collection of snow-balls attached to his legs and undercarriage. But what fun they had, running and chasing each other and exploring the 'new' countryside!
Not much to show craft-wise at the moment. I have been making a couple of things, but one is for a swap and I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet, and the other not finished. I have been other-wise occupied and not in a very creative mood. My partner handed in his notice at work 3 weeks ago out of the blue after a row (well, we knew he was thinking about it, but not quite like this....) and we have been in a constant state of fear and worry ever since! He has actually found another (better) job to carry on straight after his notice finishes on the current one - trouble is, it is in Belgium. I don't think I need to go into how much turmoil this has thrown us into - I just hope it is worth it. That, compounded with some tough days at the school job, has meant I'm not feeling terribly inspired of late! There is a painting on the way, and hopefully now that the school holidays have started I will have the time (in between getting Sir ready for the off next weekend..) to get on with it. Here's hoping....
So by way of a thank you, as promised, there will be a '200th Post' giveaway. I have decided that Toby's idea was the best, to have a mystery prize. So all you have to do is leave your name and a comment and I'll put you in the draw - you know the routine by now! If you feel like guiding my hand by suggesting what sort of prize you would prefer, that's fine. I'll pull the name out after the 14th April.
Woke up this morning to a light frost....toddled downstairs, made a cup of tea and let the dogs out for their early-morning widdle in the garden, and absent-mindedly covered up my (struggling) banana plant on the patio just in case the weather men had got it right. Within ten minutes it had started to snow. After half an hour, it looked like this!! This is the lane behind my house that I walk the dogs on every day, which has been a sea of mud for the past 8 months. Look at it now! Felt like I had been transported to Narnia........
This was when the blizzards had stopped and the sun was struggling to come through - it was all so beautiful, clean and untouched.
Not much to show craft-wise at the moment. I have been making a couple of things, but one is for a swap and I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet, and the other not finished. I have been other-wise occupied and not in a very creative mood. My partner handed in his notice at work 3 weeks ago out of the blue after a row (well, we knew he was thinking about it, but not quite like this....) and we have been in a constant state of fear and worry ever since! He has actually found another (better) job to carry on straight after his notice finishes on the current one - trouble is, it is in Belgium. I don't think I need to go into how much turmoil this has thrown us into - I just hope it is worth it. That, compounded with some tough days at the school job, has meant I'm not feeling terribly inspired of late! There is a painting on the way, and hopefully now that the school holidays have started I will have the time (in between getting Sir ready for the off next weekend..) to get on with it. Here's hoping....
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