Friday, 23 March 2012

I've Not Been Idle..........

Finally this week I have had a chance to get out in the poor winter-ravaged garden and do a bit of sorting out.  The 'lawn' was a bald, mossy mess and needed raking thoroughly, then re-seeding and topsoil spread.  The flower beds were full of dead leaves and twigs that needed clearing up before new plants are put in, and the patio was a disgrace.  There is still plenty to do, but the worst of it is done and there are several seed trays full of seedlings waiting to be planted out when they are big enough.
When I've not been in the garden or at the day job, I have been knitting....and knitting...and knitting some more.  These are ready to go across the Pond now......
...and this is still in the design stages.  Can you guess what it is yet?  There is a vital appendage missing, if that is any help.


Sue Doran said...

Upside down octopus?

Soggibottom said...

Could be one of those quacky ducks
:-) X X X

Magpie Magic said...

God you've been busy! Can't keep up! LOL xo