Saturday, 30 March 2013

If You Have An Aversion To Chocolate.... get given a nuigurumi dung beetle!  In our house we have one who can't eat chocolate, one who doesn't want chocolate and two who really shouldn't eat chocolate, so whilst there are a few Easter treats lurking, we don't have a mountain of chocolate eggs this year.  This beetle is for my son who is on a major keep fit kick at the moment and is trying to stay away from unhealthy food.  I need to point out here that he is also very into bugs - the choice of a beetle wasn't totally random on my part!

This is sewn out of felt from a Japanese pattern and is just about life size.  The legs are made from black jewellery wire and caused no end of problems while being sewn in!
I have totally fallen in love with this clever little brooch pattern and have made several of the things for anyone I think might appreciate one - I am fascinated to watch the perfect shape of a rabbit emerge every time I knit one, and the little hidden pocket just makes me smile.  This one is just for me!

1 comment:

Kelly-Belly said...

I love the Scarab...opps, I mean dung beetle. It is just so much more fun to say dung beetle. It feels like I'm getting away with something naughty. : )
