Monday 14 October 2013

The Perils Of Working In Miniature...

I nearly gave up last night.  This microscopic seahorse nearly got the better of me.  I've been crocheting with fine cotton for most of my life and making doilies, flowers and the like is not really a problem - my eyesight isn't what it used to be, but I now wear glasses and cope just fine.  However, following a 3D pattern is a different matter, especially in a varigated yarn.  There were several false starts, one head thrown away, and as moment where I wondered if I would be able to complete this commission at all.  However, after a mental pep talk, some serious concentration and taking it slow, I managed to get that darn head made, and once I was on to the body section it was plain sailing.

This is part of a wedding cake topper - I also have to make a very tiny bouquet out of shells. I think I might give it a day...
So after that, I went on to knit a very small flower pot - this is for the animated film.  This was not such a problem -I've made a few of these and can whizz them off in less than an hour.  The base is a ketchup container pinched from Ikea - unused of course!
Finally, by way of a rest, I moved on to knitting the jacket for my current zombie.  I came across some fabulous wool/alpaca yarn at the weekend for a mere £2 per ball.  Now I wish I had bought a selection of colours, it is such gorgeous stuff to work with.

If you see some poor woman with glasses like Mr.Magoo, clutching her knitting with a look of desperation on her face, that would be me....


Soggibottom said...

Knitting that small no wonder :-) Good though :-) x x x

Magpie Magic said...

Wow. You have been busy! :-) I couldn't knit that small... crochet, but not knit. Love the zombie! :-) xoxo