Saturday, 12 May 2007

Cat on a Mantlepiece

I have finished this painting at last! For some reason this took a very long time - not actual painting time, but other commitments taking over. This was painted using watercolour for the setting and Derwent Drawing Pencils together with my trusty black brush pen for the cat. I think it has turned out pretty well, even though I say so myself!

The next painting, already started, is of a cat lying in long grass with flowers and leaves around him - watch this space. I hope it will not take as long to complete, as I have several other pictures planned, including the greyhound mentioned a while back, and a pair of young zebras play-fighting that we managed to photograph at Marwell Zoo last month.


Anonymous said...

Hi Caroline,
Stunning work as always! He is just gorgeous; and he looks so real - and I know it because right now he is lying next to my keyboard and purring like a sports car : -0!
xx e

natural attrill said...

I am always amazed by your animal drawings, you are so talented. Looking forward to seeing more!