Saturday, 18 August 2007

And Finally.....

This is a treasured possession - Bob made this candelabra for me and it hangs in our dining area for use at Christmas, Easter, and romantic meals! Bob actually restores classic racing cars for a living but I am sure he could also do very well making things like this if he had the time. It's rather nice, if I see something in an artsy shop that I like, he can generally make me one out of goodness knows what! Shame on me though, this is being used as a necklace hanger at the moment because I have been too busy (lazy?) to package them up and put them away.

So there you are, 8 random things about me - hope you could bother to read to the end!

I don't have 8 people to tag because Penny & Toby have tagged half the people I would have ! But I will tag Raggy Rat and Sparrow Fart (sounds like the makings of a retro Punk band...) Oh yes, and Laura Sparling (bead artist extraordinaire!) has agreed to play along too.
Please do not feel you have to take part - it's not some crumby chain letter!

Here are the "rules"
1. Let others know who tagged you.
2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.


natural attrill said...

What a wonderful candelabra, and even more so cos its been made by Bob!

natural attrill said...

Great! glad you've taken up the tag challenge Caroline.

Unknown said...

lovely chandalier Caroline-talented hubbie too!